Its the first thing people see when they visit your blog, its what they make their first impressions on, but mainly it gives your blog a personality!
So how do you make the header image?!
Well I figured it out for myself, but I know how useful it would of been to have been able to read a blog post on it so i knew exactly what to do, so this is what I intend to do now!
1. Download Google Picasa! It's the easiest software for making a collage that i've found.
2.Open up the software and click on COLLAGE
3. Once you click on that, you'll go to a page that looks like this. Click on the "Get more" button to get more pictures.
3. You'll then be taken to this page where you select images, now if your lazy like me you might find it easier to make an album with all the pictures you want to use before hand. Once you've chosen the pictures, click on the"Back to collage" button.
4. This page will appear again, and once your here click on the little green cross button next to the 'get more button'. This will add the pictures to the collage.
5. You can then arrange the pictures in anyway you like
6. Once you are happy with the layout of your images, click on the "create collage" button at the bottom. You will then be taken to this page where you can add the text, crop, change colours, etc..!
7. Once you are finally happy with your header, click on the "export" button to export your collage to your documents.
8. Your collage is now saved!
Now go to your blog and click on the design button where you will go to the design page which I swear we've all been on!
9. Finally step! Click on the edit bit on the header and you'll be taken to this page. Click on the "instead of title and description" , insert your image and you should be all sorted! BUT make sure you write the name of your blog in the blog title bit, it doesn't appear on your blog, the blog team needs it, i think....
Now I have tired to make this as easy to follow as possible, but if its a bit rubbish, please tell me and i'll try my best to sort it out!