Just some pages for you to nosy through!

Monday, 31 October 2011

Its a monster mash...


HALLO Bloggers! This could be a long one, so i'd get a Cuppa and a Chocolate biccie as you could be here a while!

Now its pretty obvious that its Halloween at the moment, and if you didn't know that then where have you been?!

I don't usually get excited about Halloween as well i'm 16 so can't really go trick or treating unless I want to be known as the street weirdo, well i think i probably am that already but thats not the point....
Anyway, on saturday  I went to a Halloween party just to show that i am a 'festive' person, but it just ended up in me showing people that no one should ever give me sugar, but we'll get on to that later!

I decided that i'd go as 'Where's Wally' as well I am a wally so it made sense really. Now as Wally is of the male gender (oh my i sounded like my mum then!) I couldn't really go all out with the make-up, so instead i just did a kinda neutral look, to which I will leave the video to below:

Now on to the party, my god I ramble on so much, it was a really good party and there was no alcohol which is blooming good think because I will definitely be remembering this party for good reasons! 

As I said earlier I showed people that they should never give me to much sugar, and they definitely shouldn't! I had.....are you ready for this!.....
1 CUPCAKE, (but it had like 3 inches of icing on!)
And I think probably some more LOL

After indulging in all that sugar, I ended up sat on my friends sofa shaking but as ever still be stupid!

Here are some pictures from the party :

I decided to do a whole Halloween Tutorial series on my channel so i'll leave one of the videos below for you to check out as the eye tutorial is already in here some where LOL

Hope all of gouls girls have a great Halloween

Thursday, 27 October 2011

FOTD and OOTD- Rainy day!


Now i personally love the rain, i think its very fitting for this time of year and makes me feel happy; just don't even ask.

But because I had to go out today, my usual hair and make-up wouldn't of done, i'd of looked like hagrid.
So I decided to do this and I quite like it!

Not the best picture i know, but my camera is dead and I have to wait til christmas to get my SLR!

I chose to actually wear eye liner today! I know big moment in my life right here guys, considering i hardly ever wear it!

Now clearly I didn't put to much on but it did go no!
I have such 'veiny' eye lids, its disgusting!

I also just chuffed my hair up into a 'bun' with this head scarve type thing, LOL. I say 'bun' because my hair isn't really long enough for it to make a real bun, my bad......

Unfortunately not but he is on the t-shirt so that was not a lie!
This t-shirt is actually from Primark out of the mens section for only....wait for it...........£8!!

This picture is actually from yesterday, but i forgot to make a blog post yesterday!

Hope you like!

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Autumn make-up necessities!

This is the 3rd post of the day; aren't you all so lucky!

So as its definitely autumn now, well more like winter, i thought i'd share with you what I think are my Autumn make-up and fashion necessities.

Now i'm lazy and can't be bothered to write it all out, so i'll just link in the video, well its better than nothing!

Hope you all enjoy!

BLOG DIY: How to make the header image!

Its the first thing people see when they visit your blog, its what they make their first impressions on, but mainly it gives your blog a personality!
So how do you make the header image?!

Well I figured it out for myself, but I know how useful it would of been to have been able to read a blog post on it so i knew exactly what to do, so this is what I intend to do now!

1. Download Google Picasa! It's the easiest software for making a collage that i've found.

2.Open up the software and click on COLLAGE

3. Once you click on that, you'll go to a page that looks like this. Click on the "Get more" button to get more pictures.

3. You'll then be taken to this page where you select images, now if your lazy like me you might find it easier to make an album with all the pictures you want to use before hand. Once you've chosen the pictures, click on the"Back to collage"  button.

4. This page will appear again, and once your here click on the little green cross button next to the 'get more button'. This will add the pictures to the collage.

5. You can then arrange the pictures in anyway you like

6.  Once you are happy with the layout of your images, click on the "create collage" button at the bottom. You will then be taken to this page where you can add the text, crop, change colours, etc..!

7. Once you are finally happy with your header, click on the "export"  button to export your collage to your documents.

8. Your collage is now saved!
Now go to your blog and click on the design button where you will go to the design page which I swear we've all been on!

9. Finally step! Click on the edit bit on the header and you'll be taken to this page. Click on the "instead of title and description" , insert your image and you should be all sorted! BUT make sure you write the name of your blog in the blog title bit, it doesn't appear on your blog, the blog team needs it, i think....

Now I have tired to make this as easy to follow as possible, but if its a bit rubbish, please tell me and i'll try my best to sort it out!


You my friend are annoying!

I have been in a very 'meh' and ragey mood as of late and i have no idea why. Also last night I woke up, checked the time, and then just threw up. I have no idea why i threw up, i didn't even feel it coming, but obviously the pizza i ate last night night think that my stomach habitable.

So basically I thought, i'll tell you what my pet-peevs are, the it might calm me down a bit,maybe.....

1. 'pronounce it properly' I can't stand it when people don't pronounce words properly, don't walk round like "proply init", your not from the ghetto so shut up.

2. 'care for your feet' When people have dry, flaky skin on their heels don't file it off, also when they take off their socks and it makes that crackling noise. It actually turns my stomach! So file it off,  it definitely doesn't impress anyone.

3. 'hyping!' People who sit there CONSTANTLY BMMing. I mean I can understand the whole BMM thing but when its all you do and every conversation is about a BB message you got, I think its time that you seriously sat down and thought about your priorities.

4. ' you won't understand' ARGGHH! People who sit their talking about inside jokes while you are with them knowing that you won't have any idea what is going on, and then promptly go and say "well you won't understand" and walk off! Jeez, sorry if i'm ruining your perfect inside joke life!!

5. ' OMG your so fat' When people who are fat themselves go round calling other people fat like " they see you rolling!". Love, the whole world can see you rolling but we aren't saying anything.

Now i'm sorry if that was too harsh for some people but i was in a bad mood so it needed to be done.

Do you have any pet-peevs?

Friday, 21 October 2011

Its the most wonderful time of the year..

I absolutely love this time of year, from mid way through october to the end of december, eeeeeee i love it! Give me minus temperatures, snow, wind, and ice any day, its my absolute favourite type of weather!

So basically this will just be some of the things I LOVE about this time of year;

1. Being able to wear dark coloured nail varnish without it looking weird with clothes, one of my new favourites is Raspberry by BarryM , OMG its the perfect burgundy colour!

2. GINGERBREAD MEN! Ummmm they are amazing and make me feel so wintery and christmasy! So my friend decided to buy one, but when we got back to the common room in 6th form she realised it only had one leg, so she said it was the gingerbread version of me. Thanks guys.

3. Seeing my gorgeous nephew grow up. Now obviously this time last year he was still inside my sister, but this year its been amazing seeing him grow up. At the moment he is 8 months old, but when you see him you'd thinking he was older! He's my little charmer; Ali if you ever get to read this, Aunty Ben loves you so much!

4.Christmas catalogues! Now i know its only the 21st of october but i'm slowly building my collection LOL! I am a major catalogue fiend, if a company brings out a new catalogue there's a 99% chance that i'll get it!

5. Waking up in the dark, and then watching it get light. I don't know why i love it, i just do!
I took this picture last year in november, now i know it doesn't look like november, but it was 1'C when i took this picture!

This was a bit of a random post, but the pills i got from a+e last night have made me a bit 'woooah' ,so thats why its a bit out of the blue.


Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Blooming hell, not again!

As if I've injured myself again! This is the 5th injury of the year, and i'm not impressed!
Well this time i've dislocated my hip, and to be honest its very bloody painful.

I was at 6th form when it happened, which wasn't ideal!

So basically two of my best friends had made me go to the shop right next door to school with them, once we had come out the shop we bumped into another one of my mates who i stopped to talk to. The next thing I know is that i turn round and one of them runs at me and boob bounces me!
Your probably thinking, "she boob bounced you, how the hell did that dislocate your hip?!" Well she bounced me into one of those green electricity boxes that you find on the street, if your from america its pretty self explanatory, and my hip just hit it at the wrong angle, them BAM my hip decides that it got bored of its surroundings and wants to visit the rest of my body! 

Now luckily i'm always dislocating my hip, but this time i felt it come out , but when it went back it i felt it crunch on something D:
After being in hysterics with my mates about the whole incident, the pain really set in! It happened yesterday, and still today i can barely walk on it! Apparently I look like john wayne.... Obviously because i'm doing my a-levels its not really ideal to take time off so I went in today limping so bad I might as well of been bloody hopping!

I'm hoping the nurse sends me home tomorrow so mum will actually take me to A+E as i can't stand the pain much longer.

Wish me luck guys!

Monday, 17 October 2011

I'll be there with open eyes and open arms!

So I have finally made my header image! I know its a tad big, but i've been told I make a big impact on peoples lifes so, so did this!

Please let me know if you like it (:


Jeans aren't always a girls best friend!

At this very moment in time i'm supposed to be doing health and social coursework, but I think I've caught the blogging bug, I just can't stop blogging!

So on with the post; as i've said jeans aren't always a girls best friend and with one of this seasons big trends being coloured jeans, it really can be a pain in the bum!

I have shopped around for bloody donkey's years trying to find a pair of jeans that aren't too long, being only 5'3 it can be hard, fit both my legs and my hips, and that aren't baggy at the ankles.
So if you have had the same problems as me when it comes to the 'colour jeans' treads i've come up with some alternatives.

1. Coloured leggings
Now these are great alternative as they are super comfy and you don't have to worry about them falling down! Also they are usually cheaper than jeans too, and as I poor student, saving money is a biggy!

2. Effect leggings (You'll get what I mean!)

These are another alternative as not only do you get the colour but they are also a bit more unique than just leggings which means you can really show your personality. These are usually quite cheap as well but are usually more expensive then normal leggings.

3. Coloured trousers

Now theses are navy blue cord trousers from H&M but its not showing up, damn you camera!
But these are great if you still want to have the trouser type feel instead of the leggings type feel. These cords are so comfy and go with practically everything, which is another bonus!
Your probably thinking that they are going to be quite pricey but in actual fact they were only £14.99!

Do you have any other alternatives to coloured jeans?


Sunday, 16 October 2011

You can never have enough of primark!

Today I decided since it had been like 10000 years since i'd been to primark, well more like a month but never mind, I thought it was time that me and mum should pop in!

Now I didn't manage to pick up everything I needed as money stopped coming out of my purse quite quickly, but what I got includes :

A teal coloured over-sized long sleeved top (£2.90) ;that was a mouth full i can tell ya!
(bad picture, sorry!)

A blue strap top - £1.80

Burgundy Leggings- £3

Burgundy bobble leggings(obvs the best description!)-£6

Brown faux fur bag, you get my drift!- £9

Cream skull scarf- £3

Right they are all my purchases ;D I'd like to say that while doing that I felt like I was on QVC or something.

Also I did get a coat but it wasn't cooperating for the camera so I gave up in the end!

So you can have a picture of me in everything (:

I'll link my Youtube video below as usual!

Jenny, xx

Saturday, 15 October 2011


Oh my, after what feels like about ten years I think i've finally finished editing my blog, so it is now.....*drum roll*...... OPEN!
Hopefully I shall be updating 3+ times a week, aren't you lucky ;D

So bye for now!

Sunday, 9 October 2011


I think one of my dreams has come true!
Yesterday i got to meet Black veil brides, get my drawing signed, and then see them live at Rock City!

Omg it was amazing! Andy said that my drawing was amazing, and i think my heart actually stopped!

Sorry if you have know idea who that band are, but they've done al lot for me!
